Reception and Memory of the Eichmann Trial in Transnational Perspective

On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the sentencing of one of the main perpetrators of the industrial extermination of human beings during the Shoa, this series of lectures and events aims to explore the trial’s impact and memory from a transnational and transmedial perspective. How was the trial publicly perceived in the different countries? What consequences did this paradigmatic case have for the legal and cultural dealing with the Shoah and its representation in the media? What differences can be observed between the various countries on these levels?


Today, October 18th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 8pm CET. (in German language with simultaneous translation to Spanish)

Ulrich Winter (Universidade Philipps Marburg; Alemanha): How the Eichmann Case changed our View on History


Monday, October 25th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 8pm CET. (in German language with simultaneous translation to Spanish)

Peter Krause (University of Konstanz): The reception of the Eichmann trial in the German press

Luis S. Krausz (Universidade de São Paulo; Brazil): The Reception and Memory of the Eichmann Trial in Israeli Culture


Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in Portuguese language)

Maria Luiza Tucci Carneiro (Universidade de São Paulo; Brazil): Reception and Memory of the Eichmann Trial in Brazil and South America

Monica Grin (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro): Comment on Research Projects and Perspectives

Emmanuel Kahan (CONICET; National University of La Plata): Reception of the Eichmann case in Argentine


Tuesday, November 9th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in English language with simultaneous translation to Spanish)

Hanna Yablonka (Ben Gurion University Negev, Israel): The Eichmann Trial and its Influence on the Memory of the Shoah 


Tuesday, November 16th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in German language with simultaneous translation to Spanish)

Axel Fischer (Memorium Nuremberg Trials): Eichmann and Other War Criminals on Trial: Aspects of a Media and Legal History


Monday, November 22nd, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in German language)

Josef Mengele’s attempts of self-justification in his posthumous writings

Oliver Lubrich (University of Bern): The Mengele Case in Literature and Film


Moday, November 29th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in Spanish language)

Leonardo Senkman (Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel): Fictional representations of Eichmann and Mengele in Argentina


Saturday, December 4th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in Spanish language with simultaneous translation to German)

Perpetrators in Fiction: “The Second Life of Adolf Eichmann”. Reading and author talk with Ariel Magnus

In cooperation with the Goethe Institute Buenos Aires


Monday, December 6th, 2021, 3pm (São Paulo, Buenos Aires), 7pm CET (in Spanish language)

Claudia Hilb (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina): On “some long forgotten theses”. Reflections on the Epilogue of Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem
